On November 15th Tim Spahr found the first Worcester Co. record of Hammond’s Flycatcher.
Tim’s field notes:
Small kinglet-like empidonax with a peaked crown and long primary projection. The general gray-headed and greenish appearance lands me on empids from the west. The small bill and primary projection rule out anything but Hammond’s. The bird also gave characteristic “peek” or “pip” call notes when interacting with an Eastern Phoebe. It was quite active, flicking wings and tail, and moved around over several hundred meters during the encounter. It was loosely hanging with Dark-eyed Juncos low to the ground for part of the observation window. Apparently a first Worcester County record.
To view his full eBird checklist:
For other records of Hammond’s Flycatcher in the state, please see:

15 Nov 2023. Crane Swamp, Marlborough. Photo by Tim Spahr

15 Nov 2023. Crane Swamp, Marlborough. Photo by Tim Spahr. Note long primary projection.

15 Nov 2023. Crane Swamp, Marlborough. Photo by Tim Spahr