27th Annual Report
For its 27th report, the Massachusetts Avian Records Committee (MARC) evaluated 125 records involving 43 species. Two new birds were added to the state list: American Flamingo and Western Wood-Pewee.
26th Annual Report
This report covers records from 2021 and 2022, with a few especially notable records from 2023 also included.
25th Annual Report
New records in 2021 added an impressive four species to the state list: European Golden-Plover, Heermann’s Gull, Roseate Spoonbill, and Great-tailed Grackle.
24th Annual Report
234 records involving 91 species, breaking our previous high by 80 records. Gray Heron was added to the state list.
23rd Annual Report
111 records involving 54 species. The MARC accepted 97 of those records, adding one new species, Black-whiskered Vireo.
22nd Annual Report
154 records involving 69 species. The MARC accepted 128 of those records. Two species were added to the official state list: Trumpeter swan and Western Meadowlark.
21st Annual Report
62 records involving 27 species. 56 records were accepted. One species was added to the official state list, Common Greenshank. Two were removed, Thayer’s Gull and Monk Parakeet.
20th Annual Report
63 records involving 34 species or subspecies. Sixty-two records were accepted including state firsts of Yellow-billed Loon and Masked Booby.
19th Annual Report
95 records involving 52 species or subspecies. Eighty-seven records were accepted including state firsts of Trinidade Petrel, Fea’s Petrel, Zone-tailed Hawk.
18th Annual Report
85 records involving 36 species or subspecies. Seventy-eight records were accepted, an acceptance rate of 92%.

79 records involving 57 species or subspecies. Sixty-nine records were accepted, an acceptance rate of 87%. State list additions: Gray-tailed Tattler, Black-throated Sparrow

Four new species have been added to the State List: Bermuda Petrel, Eurasian Hobby, Yellow-green Vireo and Cassin’s Sparrow.
15th Annual Report
New species: Little Shearwater (Puffinus assimilis) documented in 2007, Kirtland’s Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) from a 1916 description.

66 reports involving 47 species or subspecies. Fifty-two records were accepted.
13th Annual Report
Three additional new species have been added to the State List with the current report.

This year the MARC reexamined several historical records; this review culminated in several changes to the State List.

One new species has been added to the official State List: Eurasian Collared-Dove. Although the MARC has received several earlier reports of this species, none could satisfactorily rule out the very similar the Ringed Turtle-Dove, a species commonly kept in captivity.
10th Annual Report
MARC has accepted three new species, two of which appeared on this list: Bell’s Vireo (third on the list) and Black-tailed Gull (fourth on the list), along with a 2001 report of a European Turtle-Dove.
The addition of Cackling Goose, Red-footed Falcon, Yellow-legged Gull, and Cave Swallow to the official state list brings the state total to 481 species.
The addition of Calliope Hummingbird brings the official state list to 477.
This year marked the addition of 6 new species to the MARC’s official state list, bringing the total to 476 species.
This year marked the addition of two new species to the MARC’s official state list, bringing the total to 468 species.
The MARC accepted records of 13th different species rare to the Commonwealth.
Published in Bird Observer, February 2000.
Published in Bird Observer, December 1998
Published in Bird Observer, August 1997, Vol. 25, No. 4
Published in Bird Observer, October 1995, Vol. 23, No. 5