Cape Verde Shearwater

Cape Verde Shearwater

12 Aug 2022. East of Chatham. Photo by Ian Davies

1 records

MARC numberDecisionSpecies#LocationCountyArrivalDepartureObserversReport
2022-076ACape Verde Shearwater1east of Chatham (41.670066, -69.860951)Barnstable8/12/20228/12/2022Jeremiah Trimble*, Peter Trimble*, Ian Davies*, Julian Hough*, Nick Bonomo* (ph)26


This remarkable discovery by a group of intrepid pelagic birders (Trimble et. al. 2022) represents just the second well-documented record for North America, following one off Cape Hatteras 15 Aug 2004. There have been a few other potential sight records, and clearly this is a species to watch for carefully.

Read the full story in the October 2022 edition of Bird Observer.