Past committees

2019 members of the MARC. 22 September 2019, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester. Pictured left to right: Nick Block, Marshall Iliff, Jessica Johnson, Wayne Petersen, Jim Sweeney, Tim Spahr (Chair), and Sean Williams (Secretary).
Not pictured: Ryan Schain, David Sibley, and Larry Therrien.

Past members

Dennis Abbott
Peter Alden
Kathleen Andersen
Steve Arena
Jim Baird
Nick Block
Bradford Blodget
David Clapp
Ian Davies
Mark Faherty
Davis Finch
Richard Forster
Matt Garvey
Rick Heil
Jessica Johnson
Seth Kellogg
Chris Leahy
Trevor Lloyd-Evans
Mark Lynch
Erik Neilsen
Blair Nikula
Jan Ortiz
Wayne Petersen
Marj Rines
Ryan Schain
David Sibley
James Smith
Jackie Sones
Tim Spahr
Robert Stymeist
Scott Surner
Jim Sweeney
Richard Veit
Sean Williams