Eurasian Blackbird

Eurasian Blackbird

Excerpt by Horace Winslow Wright

1 records

MARC numberDecisionSpecies#LocationCountyArrivalDepartureObserversReport
1908-005PrEurasian Blackbird1Boston Public GardenSuffolk10/4/19083/25/1909Horace Winslow Wright17


The state’s only  Eurasian Blackbird (Turdus merula) record was an account of an overwintering individual at the Boston Public Garden by Horace Winslow Wright. The committee felt that the identification was correct, but concurred with Wright that this was most likely an escapee. Nonetheless, this European thrush is migratory and has reached Quebec and Newfoundland, with the latter bird accepted as being of natural provenance.

To read Wright’s account in full, see Birds of the Boston Public garden, a study in migration, page 219.